World Hand Hygiene Day 2024


World Hand Hygiene Day is marked every year on 5 May, to raise awareness of the importance of handwashing to prevent the spread of infections.

Each year, about 4.3 million patients in European hospitals acquire at least one healthcare-associated infection during their stay in the hospital. 

“Save lives: Clean Your Hands” campaign takes place as part of a major global effort led by the World Health Organization (WHO) to mobilise people around the world to increase adherence to hand hygiene in all healthcare settings. This protects healthcare workers and patients from healthcare-associated infections caused by various pathogens. 

Healthcare-associated infections, including those resistant to antibiotics, are a growing public health problem in Europe. However, a large percentage of these infections are preventable by improving hand hygiene practices.  

ECDC supports this campaign and highlights the importance of infection prevention and control measures, especially hand hygiene, as key strategies to tackle the growing threat posed by antibiotic resistance. 

Watch the press conference

Press conference on World Hand Hygiene Day 2024